2022 Presentation Night Awards

The Cronulla Kayak Club annual presentation night function was held at the Caringbah Bowling Club on the 3rd of December and below are photos of some of the recipients as well as a detailed list of all the winners (compiled by Geoff Hine).

CSKC Autumn/Winter Series The race committee have decided to combine the Autumn and Winter races into one race series in 2022

Women’s K1

  • Sadly qualifiers.

Men’s K1

  • 5km. Winner Geoff Hine.
  • 10km. No qualifier.

Men’s Ocean Ski.

  • 5km. Winner is Mark Hopkins. Tied 2nd is Geoff Bedford and Andrew Garvie.
  • 10km. Winner is Paul Sommers Women”s Spec Ski.
  • 5km. Winner is Chelsea Sutton.

Men’s Spec Ski.

  • 5km. Winner is Noah Steiner Single Race Trophies.
  • Awarded to the paddler/s who wins outright, no matter if CSKC member or not.

LPKC Clint Robinson “in the drink” award

  • 2022 Won by Kaveh Fanian
  • Name engraved on perpetual trophy. No Medal or trophy.
  • Kaveh capsized numerous times this year but the event that really set him apart from everyone was when paddling his ocean ski in Botany Bay he got into serious trouble. The conditions were so bad the other paddlers with him couldn’t help. He was extremely sensible as he had his phone in a waterproof case around his neck. He used “hey siri” to call 000 and he then was rescued by the Water Police.
  • We have to recognise a few other contenders that were trying hard to win this trophy. Paul Sommers both recognised for Ocean ski and K1 capsizes.  His ocean ski capsize in Port Hacking in very rough conditions caused a local onlooker to called 000 and the Westpac Helicopter looked for him but he had rescued himself making it to shore safely
  • . Chris Matthews borrowed an Ocean Ski from Todd Boreland for a trial paddle. Chris”s first paddle was in one of our handicapped races where he ran it up onto the slightly exposed log near the fish traps and fell in. He did a lot of damage and had to buy it. That”s a new way to sell a boat.
  • Glen Wright has broken a number of rudders on the same log. Chris Murty’s capsizes in his K1 have been numerous as well but not good enough to beat the champ Kaveh. Good luck to all paddlers for next year’s competition but we don’t want any paddler to put themselves in danger just to win this amazing trophy.

Most Improved Paddler of the Year.

(New perpetual trophy for 2022)

  • 2022 Won by Penny Tralau.
  • Penny’s first 5km race this year she did 44.05, then 43.02, 40.29, 38.06, 37.26. She competed in a couple more races but her best time was 37.13. Great effort. What can she do next season?

CSKC President’s Cup Trophy.

  • (New perpetual Trophy for 2022) (Timber dish) Old trophy retired.
  • 2022 Won by Chris Murty. Out of the handicapped race competed, Chris came 1st, 2nd and 5th so a clear winner in improving his times against his handicap.

Doubles Handicap Series

  • 2022 Won by Lis O’Farrell and Frank Pancer.
  • Consistency is the key to winning this trophy. Also bribing the handicapper works as well. Lis and Frank won 2 out of the 5 handicapped races this year.

LPKC Double Series Trophy.

  • 2022 Won by Bruce Sherlock and Brett Flower. Bruce paddled 10 series races this year but swapped partners between Brett and Janet. He did more races with Brett so Bruce and Brett are the winners.

LPKC Canadian Encourage Award

  • Canadian Canoes no longer widely raced by CSKC members.
  • 2022 Won by Matt Spies. True, Matt was the only person paddling a single bladed canoe in our races but he did compete in 6 and would always push to beat the person in front on him, whatever the craft was. He also won this category in the Paddle NSW Harbour series for 2022. This trophy has not been awarded for 40 years so it is well and truly overdue to come out of retirement.

LPKC Surf Ski Female Paddler of the year.

  • Include all CSKC as well as all surf club members.
  • 2022 Won by Chelsea Sutton. Chelsea raced in 9 races this year and won 8 and she came 2nd in the other one. She also spent some time in a K1 and even a race with Georgia Sinclair in the club’s K2.

LPKC Mark Fleming Memorial Trophy Ski Male Paddler of the year.

(Include all CSKC and surf club members)

  • 2022 Won by Noah Steiner of Wanda Surf Club.
  • Noah recorded times in our club races that have not been seen for a long time, if ever, for a spec ski. His best time for our 5km course was 22.29. That is very quick in any type of craft but exceptional on an 18kg ski.

LPKC Sandra Romanis Memorial Trophy K1 Female Paddler of the year.

  • First awarded 2004Last name on trophy is Montannah Murray in 2016. Years missing 2017-2019.
  • 2022 Won by Georgia Sinclair. Georgia was a member of the 2022 Australian Team as well as a member of the under 23’s team. She competed in World cup races throughout Europe and then the world championships in Canada. She then backed up to compete in the Under 23”s World Championships back in Europe. She raced at a number of our races including a doubles race with Chelsea Sutton.

CSKC K1 Male Paddler of the year.

  • First Awarded 1988Last person to win this trophy was Robert (Max) Walker in 2016. Years missing are 2017-2019.
  • 2022 Won by Chris Murty. Chris has only been paddling a K1 for around 6 months. He and is now consistently in the 23 minutes for our 5km course. As seen earlier, he won the president”s cup handicap race proving he is going quicker than expected. I”m looking forward to 22”s next year.

CSKC Ocean Ski Female Paddler of the Year

(new perpetual trophy for 2022)

  • 2022 Won by Montannah Murray. Montannah competed in a number of our club races this year, winning her class each time and she also came 3rd in this year’s Paddle NSW Harbour Series. A great result.

CSKC Ocean Ski Male Paddler of the Year

(new perpetual trophy for 2022) 

  • 2022 Won by Ben Constable.
  • Ben raced in a number of our club races and also competed very successfully in this year’s Paddle NSW Harbour series where he won the 40+ age group for Ski Single. A fantastic result.

LPKC Junior Female Paddler of the Year.

  • 2022 Won by Chelsea Sutton. Chelsea paddled in most of our club races as well as a couple of the Paddle NSW Marathon Series races.
  • She also started paddling a K1 this year and looking very good in it.

CSKC Junior Male Paddler of the Year 2022 

  • Won by Maxton Ward. Max started paddling the 2km races at the start of this year and then progressed up to the 5km race.
  • He also came for a paddle up to Audley and back with some of the older club members in the K4 which was great.

LPKC Most Successful Inter-Club Representative.

  • 2022 Won by Michael McKeogh. Mike (el-presidente) competed in numerous races in NSW and Queensland, including Paddle NSW harbour series races, Australian Marathon Championships and recently “The Doctor” race in Western Australia.
  • He also won the frequent flyers points award, competing in races all through Europe for a number of weeks in September and October this year.

Outstanding Club Person of the year.

  • 2022 Won by Kevin Nettle.
  • Kevin has had been doing it tough this year after falling down some stairs and fracturing his neck. He has been a very active member of this club since the 1970’s where he held the secretary’s role from 1977-1982 and is the club’s current secretary since 2018 until now where he is finally retiring from this role.
  • He also held the Vice President’s role from 2009-2013. He has been helping organise and run the inter-club races such as our marathon and harbour series races and also helping out at the Sutherland Shire Canoe Club”s marathon series race when needed.
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